HTS has the experience in the commercial aspects of developments, in maximising the potential of the mini majors and other retail assets, thereby maximising the potential for success of the overall retail centre, and as a result maximising the potential for rental returns.
At the same time, HTS considers being conscious of making town centres a place where residents and visitors of the centre would enjoy visiting, shopping and dining. It also provides the community with a focal point.
Many of our clients are the end users of such developments, and we understand how they interact with each other, and how their physical relationship should be planned.
HTS instigates a dialogue with respondents to the EOI phase, and with the selected potential mini majors and anchors. During this process, the required licenses would be assessed and discussed with the potential tenants.
We are experienced in the Master Planning Process including the Expression of Interest phase, the process leading to lease, defining commercial aspects and identifying the correct tenants and collaborating with commercial leasing agents and property management companies as required.
HTS will bring a fresh and new perspective to the planning process. Our skills are in conceptualising the development centre and in the positioning and relationship between the various tenants, be they commercial, government or community focused.
Some examples of our expertise involvement consists of the following:
Retail Modeling
- Attend meetings
- Consider town planning report
- Attend meetings
- Consider composition of town centre
- Open dialogue with mini majors and potential anchors
- EOI processing
- Draft reports and tenant lists
Centre Design
- Fit potential tenant list to concept design
- Consider retail asset distribution throughout town centre
- Consider the relationship between the needs of the tenants and the needs of the potential town centre users for the benefit of the developer, community and shire, council or city.
- Secure retail assets as required
Consulting on Key Issues
- Retail Modeling – Sustainable floor space/centre
- Ownership
- Unique Character – Existing and Proposed
- Land use Mix
- Preferred location/orientation of main street precincts
- Traffic Management
- Parking
- Community Sites
- Community Input
- Land Mark Buildings / Location
- Theme Retail
- Town Square Focal Points
- Drainage
Defining Key Objectives
- To develop a multifunctional, vibrant attractive District Centre as a focal civic and social, retail/commercial and residential precinct.
- To ensure that development is of a high standard and finish to assist in the creation of a centre hosting its own distinct character.
- To create attractive and functional public spaces that embrace new urbanist and livable neighbourhoods’ principles (permeability, legibility, accessibility)
Some Design Principles
- Develop a “sense of arrival” and a “sense of place”
- To create an identity
- Integrated / Diverse land use mix
Built Form & Land Use
- Sustainable Development – Viable / Justifiable
- Commercial / Retail
- Community Vision
- Land Mark Buildings – Where and What?
- “Design Out Crime” principles
Movement Circulation & Access
- “Main Street” as focal pointM
- Pedestrian Priority
- Connectivity – Strong linkages with “focal points”
- Creation of view corridors for legibility and connectivity
- Creation of Town Square and activity nodes
- Unique character of precinct
- Creation of character “up front”
- Maintenance of Vibrancy
Please contact us today on +61 8 9316 8699 or admin@hospitalitytotalservices.com.au for an obligation free discussion at our office or at your premises.