Extended Trading Permit Applications
An Extended Trading Permit (ETP) application is used where the licensee wishes to extend their predetermined trading hours or licensed area on an ongoing basis. This application is designed to allow a licensee to trade in their usual manner for longer, or in an area not currently considered part of their licensed area.
Types of ETP Applications
There are eight permanent ETP application types:
- Alfresco Dining
- Associations
- Dining Area
- Lodgers/Residential accommodation
- Ongoing Hours
- Sell Liquor without a Meal (Unrestricted)
- Sell Liquor without a Meal (Restricted)
- Cellar Door Premises Alfresco Dining This permit type is used for licensees who wish to provide liquor to patrons seated in an alfresco area adjacent to the licensed premises.
If you have a liquor licence and are looking at extending or changing the way you trade, consult HTS on +61 8 9316 8699 or admin@hospitalitytotalservices.com.au to ensure your application optimises your intended result is in the best interest of your business.