Franchising Solutions
Once businesses establish a reputable place in the market, franchising becomes an option for the owners of the business. Moving from a single venue to a multi venue operation or saleable model requires careful and diligent management to complete this transformation.
HTS provides assistance in franchising your current business.
- Develop Business Plans
- Develop and Write Operations Manuals
- Menu Creation and Inventories
- Specifics Lists
Other matters to consider and where HTS can assist:
- Marketing Plans
- Job Descriptions
- Site Layouts
- Equipment Lists
- CopyrightsM
- Patents and Trademarks
- Trading Names
- Name Branding
- Licenses & Licensing
- Leasing and Site Selection
- Lease Negotiations
Further advice should also be sought from both legal and accounting firms.
Contact us today on +61 8 9316 8699 or admin@hospitalitytotalservices.com.au for an obligation free discussion at our office or at your premises.