Hospitality Total Services (Aus) Pty Ltd (HTS) is a niche Hospitality Management, Design and Liquor Licensing consulting company providing professional consultancy services since 1992. We are totally independent consultants that tailor our services to suit each client’s needs. We take pride in delivering value for money outcomes for our clients. Every client, big or small, is treated with respect and confidentiality.
We operate to the strict Foodservice Consultants Society International (F.C.S.I.) Code of Conduct with our Director Mario Sequeira being a professional member of F.C.S.I. Mario has been appointed as the Australian and New Zealand representative on the Asia Pacific Board of F.C.S.I. HTS is also corporate members of the Australian Hotels Association (AHAWA), Restaurant & Caterers Association (RCIA), Tourism Council WA (TWA) and the Chamber of Commerce (CCI).
The experienced and dedicated team at HTS have a mix of specialized skills and broad-based experience relevant to the following sectors:
- Hotels, Taverns, Small Bars
- Restaurants, Cafés, Kiosks
- Health Care
- Aged Care
- Shopping Centre F & B Precincts
- Microbreweries
- Clubs
- Sporting Venues
Our core strengths are delivering the following services consistently for over 25 years:
- Kitchen, Bar & Foodservice Design
- Liquor Licensing Services
- Architectural Design & Drafting
- Business & Management Consultancy Services
For more information, please feel free to contact us on 08 9316 8699 or admin@hospitalitytotalservices.com.au for an obligation free discussion at our office or at your premises
To find out more, our Company Profile can be downloaded by clicking here.